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Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

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The Vava'u island group consists one large island and 40 smaller islands clustered around the main island.

Vava'u is well known as a popular tourism destination for Tonga, and is the second largest island group after Tongatapu. It is located 240km north of Tongatapu. Vava'u offers over 50 islands with lavish tropical landscapes and unspoilt waterways. Famed for its secluded Port of Refuge harbour, Vava'u has a hilly landscape rolling down to white sandy beaches. With the crystal clear blue waters of its protected harbours, Vava'u is a sailing dream. Vava'u has the largest share of Tonga's whale watching operators. The main town and capital of the Vava'u island group is Neiafu.

Lulutai Airlines office branch is located in Neiafu, on Fatafehi Rd, almost opposite Neiafu's main produce market.

What is Vava'u known for?

Vava’u is known as one of the best sailing grounds in the South Pacific due to its sheltered waters. It is also one of few places in the world where you can legally swim with humpback whales. Vava'u is also known for game fishing, kayaking, scuba diving and hiking. Vava'u is gaining attention for its large-scale plantations of kava and vanilla for export to the world.

How Do You Get to Vavau?

Lulutai Airlines flies 2-3 times daily from Tongatapu domestic airport to Vava'u's Lupepau'u Airport.